14: Walking “Alone” Together

I’m a walker, it’s one of the things that keeps me sane and it’s something to do when the theatre is dark. On Wednesday’s I walk regularly with a group, and on the weekend I usually walk with one or two other friends. We live near a park. Well the virus came, and the Helicopter Daughter said I could walk, but not in a group: I had to walk alone.

Okay, I can and do walk alone, but it’s amazing how much farther and longer one can walk with a friend. After a couple of days of walking alone, I was restless. Then I realized that if I ran into someone, we could walk 6 feet apart, but still be able to share the journey. So, I contacted one of my walking friends and explained that I would be entering the park at a designated spot at a certain time and, guess what? I ran into my friend!

So, we walked “alone” together, keeping our COVID distance. And not just once.


Art inspired by this confession…