Convergence Theatre

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Every Damn Day; a Rebirth Pandemic Play by Andrew Faiz

Commissioned by Peter & Lesley Sevitt

The Artist has chosen to donate their fee in support of another Artist creating work

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Artist Statement

In late-March I realized that the New Normal was rewriting the old smug normal. I thought of it as rebirth: not always a good thing, not always a bad thing, but certainly a Thing. I wrote a short play to be performed on a... teleconferencing platform. That’s how Rebirth Pandemic Plays started. Vignettes of life during lockdown; an attempt to capture this time, this thing, that’s happening to us all.

Every Damn Day is the fourth in the series; produced for Convergence Theatre’s Covid Commissions.

It’s been a strange few months. A silent killer out there, out for all seven billion or so of us. We’ve been in hiding, in our homes, some alone, lonely, all or our diversion pulled from us. It’s been a season of losses; counting all the plans we had made now impossible to achieve. And then suddenly there’s this horrible murder of a man in Minneapolis, which plays over and over again on TV.

There’s too much death, as the siblings in Every Damn Day agree. And it’s all personal. And it’s all too much. We are being brought together by death. By trauma. Which is not really community; there’s no roots in that stress. We need rebirth in the midst of the pandemic.

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